Jun, 18 10:00 AM PDT
Visionary Stage
Startup Pitch Competition
Digital Entertainment and Content Creation. Startup Pitch Contest Final
Meet the startup finalists in the Digital Entertainment and Content Creation cohort of the Djooky Music Startup Pitch Competition
Jun, 18 11:00 AM PDT
Big Ideas Stage
Jun, 18 11:20 AM PDT
Visionary Stage
Panel Discussion
Protecting Intellectual Property Rights to Drive Income
- Finding & funding legal support for artists: how to choose partners and understand your rights
- Sync licensing as a rewarding income source: how to land a cost-effective deal
- Content ownership in the era of collaboration: how is the copyright legislation changing
- How to protect your rights while securing efficient payment to creators and copyright holders
Jun, 18 11:20 AM PDT
Big Ideas Stage
Jun, 18 11:40 AM PDT
Big Ideas Stage
Jun, 18 12:00 PM PDT
Big Ideas Stage
Panel Discussion
From a Rookie to a Global Superstar: Where to Find Money
- Why independent artists are a gold mine in music investment
- Signing a record deal: an option or a necessity
- Crowdsource your funding: what makes a successful campaign
- Social Media as a source of monetization: how to do it right
Jun, 18 1:00 PM PDT
Visionary Stage
Jun, 18 1:20 PM PDT
Visionary Stage
Panel Discussion
Emerging Music Finance Technologies as the Industry Game-Changer
- Technology for independent artists: leveraging innovation for better cash flow
- How blockchain-based technology is turning music into a high-paying investment
- AI in the music industry: what makes it the hot spot for investors
- How companies are using technology to manage data and increase capitalization
Jun, 18 2:00 PM PDT
Big Ideas Stage
Panel Discussion
Turning Talents Into a Cash-Flow: Pathways to Success
- Finding talents online: what’s the deal
- How to sign your next biggest profit-generators
- Alternative Investment: the most effective ways to self-fund & exploring royalty-based crowdfunding
- Financing beginner artists: how to achieve a higher ROI from the start
Jun, 18 3:00 PM PDT
Visionary Stage
Startup Pitch Competition
Music Licensing and Production. Startup Pitch Contest Final
Meet the startup finalists in the Music Licensing and Production cohort of the Djooky Music Startup Pitch Competition.